
Building a Brand

There is something much more important in the process of building a brand than just our visual identity. Sure, the visual identity, style, beautiful pictures, and a lovely web page are essential. I think that the more important part of that puzzle are we as human beings. How we approach our couples or potential clients, how we behave before, during, and after the wedding. Everything matters! If we want to have a quality relationship with our couples, first and foremost, we need to reflect on what we are saying through our social networks or web page. We are building our brand during those special moments that we share with them. Rethink about every little detail and what you are projecting visually and as a person because perfect clients are just a reflection of a brand.



Create your own path

For me, inspiration comes from everyday life, the little things that may not have the glamour prefix. I never had idols that I admired, whether in sports, music, or photography. What’s my point? The point of this story is to create your own path. To create your own signature that is unique as you are. I am aware that we are sometimes burdened with thinking whether it is good enough what we are doing and whether we are successful enough. For the same reason, we are trying to copy an imaginary formula for something we consider successful. And when things don’t go in that direction, the frustration that reflects on the creativity arises. Pause for a moment and ask yourself what actually defines the term of successfulness … Try to get inspired by the sources that really inspire you, not those that lead you to the same track that everyone else is going. If you want to stand out, be your own. If you want to feel what success is, then enjoy what you do and be grateful for it.


Capturing raw emotions

When I am working with my couples, the first step in my process is to get to know them well, which I do in a variety of ways other than just verbal communication itself. One of them is undoubtedly a questionnaire with various questions, through which I get to know who they are and what they love. I also find it very important that they know who I am and that they get to know me well. Then on the very day of the wedding, there is entirely different chemistry between us. And when this is the case, then raw emotions can be captured. What do you think?



For the last couple of months, I heard many times from colleagues about a struggle with the number of likes on social networks, and that is frustrating them a lot. Ok, I know… we all want the “whole world” can see our work, and we depend on the algorithm and reach. I am aware of this because I am also going through that same tunnel called the “algorithm.” However, I don’t think we should bother with this too much. The quality of our work doesn’t depend on the number of likes and comments. What we should definitely keep in mind is the satisfaction of our clients and what we do about it. The real question should be; are we “reaching” the hearts of our clients?


Community: Competitors, colleagues, or friends?

I believe if we have the opportunity to develop a quality relationship, we should do it. There is someone from the industry who wants to contribute to your work through quality criticism and advice. However, to move in this direction, the vast majority of us must first deal with our egos. The ego could be a significant problem for personal growth. Because any criticism and advice that you receive, however constructive and honest it is, will come across a big wall called the EGO. The other big issue that most of us are worried about is “competition.” The thought would be: She or he is my competitor, and in front of her or him, I should not show my weaknesses. It is necessary to break that wall or jump over it, and it is crucial if we want to develop ourselves in a positive direction. Two are smarter than one, after all. You will quickly become aware of the fact, how far have you progressed in the last six months, but not just you, but also that other person. You will grow together, that is guaranteed. All aspects of wedding photography and business, in general, are fertile ground for such a relationship. You don’t need to worry about your “competition”! Because, in the end, every one of us has their own clients/couples, who love our work.



Chasing the light

I believe that every photographer or videographer enjoys the process of finding an unseen location. But apart from the area itself, the most important thing should be the light. What helps me find a great place is that a part of me is always focused on perfect light, even when I am with my family on vacation or when I am traveling. I make notes because I never know where this adventure will take me. When I am traveling, I always start a ride to catch at least a fraction of the so-called golden hour in a particular area. Sometimes, it’s hard to handle any of this. Because of the protocol or some other reason on a wedding day. However, I believe that proper preparation and education of our clients is essential if you want things to work. So, go and chase that light! ⚡